A segment where we feature leaders of style and tastemakers by documenting their top selections from their collection and conversing in their neighborhood, workspaces or home.

Conversations with Marcus “Gatsby” Edmonds
Enthusiast Marcus “Gatsby” Edmonds talks sneakers, being a Northern Virginia native and gives us a tour of his collection.

Shoot Day with Shane Miller
Shane Miller talks his upbringing, community and his love for photography.

A Day In The Life Of Thomas Castro
Thomas Castro talks skateboarding, his expedition across Southeast Asia and his new found venture.

Vintage Talks with Denzel Robinson
Denzel Robinson talks vintage, upbringing, and passion behind collecting some of the rarest pieces.

In Conversation with Royal Rel
Jor-El Asberry talks about his favorite brands, what inspired his style, and shows us his collection.

Victor Renna of Sickboyarchive
Victor Renna shares his thought process, favorite pieces, and what helped him grow as an entrepreneur.